Tuesday, 9 October 2012

C Programming – IMP Question (Internals + External)

C Prog. : Imp Ques. (INTERNAL + EXTERNAL)

1.       What are library functions?  Are the library function are part of c – language. Explain?
2.       C is a middle level language. Comment.
3.       Explain the role of #include statement in c program with suitable example?
4.       Which header file is used to execute ‘strcmp’ function?
5.       What are the data types in c- language? Explain.
6.       Explain the terms:
                    a.       Precedence of operator
                    b.      Associativity
7.       Consider x=2, y=4 and perform the following:
                    a.       x-- + y--
                    b.      x++ + y
                    c.       y++ - x
                    d.      --y -x
8.       Short note on bitwise operator?
9.       Difference between while and do while?
10.   Write a program to find the sum of digits of a given number.
11.   Write a program to display the output
                            *       *
             *     *     *
12.   Explain the working of break and continue statement?
13.   Write a program to sort the n-number using array.
14.   Write a program to accept the name of 10 employees and sort them in ascending order (Name).
15.   What is an array and how to represent 2d array in memory?
16.   C program to print maximum element in a given row and minimum element in column for n x m matrix.
17.   Define array and explain why arrays are random access in nature?
18.   What are the limitations of array?
19.   What is pointer and why it is used?
20.   What is dynamic memory allocation? Explain with an example.
21.   Differentiate between array and pointer?
22.   What is meant by array of pointer? Explain with example.
23.   What is function? Explain with example.
24.   What is recursion? Explain with example.
25.   Differentiate between actual and formal parameter with suitable example?
26.   Explain call by value and call by reference?
27.   Write a recursive function to print Fibonacci series.
28.   Explain the two method of passing argument with a function?
29.   What is pointer to a function and explain the concept with a program to find the sum of two numbers.
30.   What is string and explain any 4 strings function?
31.   What is use of function and explain with example?
32.   Difference between structure and array?
33.   How a pointer variable can access the structure member?
34.   What is the need of array of pointer to a structure?
35.   Difference between union and structure?
36.   Write a program to accept the information about 5 employees.(enum, ename, esal using structure and sort these records on enum)
37. Write a program to store the information of a player: name, no of innings, total_score and calculate the average score of each player and display the information of all the players.

Piyush P. Annadate


  1. THANK YOU..

  2. There are following reason that C is called Middle Level Language as:

    C programming language behaves as high level language through function, it gives a modular programming and breakup, increased the efficiency for resolvability. C programming language support the low level language i.e. Assembly Language.C language also gives the facility to access memory through pointer.Its combines the elements of high-level languages with the functionalism of assembly language.

    So, C language neither a High Level nor a Low level language but a Middle Level Language.


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