Monday, 15 October 2012


G.T - Important Topics + Questions

1.       Bi – partite graph (Explain with example)
2.       Complete Bi – partite graph (Explain with example)
3.       If G is a simple graph with n –vertices, maximum number of edges in G is n(n-1)/2
4.       Isomorphism of graph
5.       Induced sub graph (Both – vertex and edge induced)
6.       Fusion of vertex
7.       If G is a self complementary graph on ‘n’ vertices, then ‘n’ is of the type 4K or 4K+1, for some integer ‘K’.
8.       Walk
9.       Definition of Isthmus.
10.   A simple graph of ‘n’ vertices and ‘k’ component can have at most  [(n-k+1)(n-k)/4]
11.   Cut set
12.   Cut vertex
13.   Eulerian Graph and Hamiltonian graph
14.   Hamiltonian circuit
15.   Fluery’s Algorithm
16.   Djikstra’s Algorithm
17.   Krushkals Algorithm
18.   Asymmetric digraph and Symmetric digraph, Simple symmetric digraph and Simple Asymmetric digraph, complete symmetric digraph and complete asymmetric digraph.
19.   Strongly connected and weakly connected graph
20.   Every strongly connected is weakly but converse is not true.
21.   If T is binary tree in n-vertices, number of pendant vertices is T=(n+1)/2.

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