Q .9 Write a program to convert decimal number into binary number.
Q .10 Write a program that checks whether the number is perfect or not.
Q .12 Write a program to find G.C.D of given number.
Q .13 Write a program to accept a string in lower case or upper case and print it in upper or lower case.
Q .14 Write a program to display any given number tables
Q .15 Write a program that displays:
* * *
* * * * *
Q .16 Write a program to print numbers of vowels in the given string.
Q .17 Write a program to print following series.
x= x^1 + x^2 + x^3 + x^4 +………….+ x^n
Q .18 Write a program to sort a number using selection sort.
Q .19 Write a program to accept matrix and find its largest and smallest number.
Q .20 Write a program for transpose of the given matrix.
Q .21 Write a program accept two matrices; store the subtraction of these matrices in the third matrix.
Q .22 Write a program for factorial of a given number using recursion.
Q .23 Write a program for Fibonacci series using pointers.
Q .24 Write a program for swapping of two numbers using pointer.
Q .25 Write a program for reverse of an array using pointer.
Q .26 Write a program to add the contents in the file and read it.
Q .27 Write a program to count number of words, lines in the given file.
Q .28 Write a program to accept item name, quantity, rate & find total cost using structure.
Q .29 Write a program to accept the information of student’s name, roll. No, class & age. Display marks of 5 subjects. Calculate total & percentage by using structure.
[Notice date: 08-09-2012]
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